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Cortex includes a user management system that allows you to create and manage personal profiles for your service users and for your employees or volunteers. Personal profiles contain information such as name, address and contact details. User information for employees comprises usernames and passwords for authentication to access Cortex.

Cortex allows the creation and management of multiple departments. This allows you to organise your clients / service users according to the departments or care teams in your organisation. This is very useful for organisations with multiple therapy and care locations, teams and/or departments.

Client Intervention Records
Cortex allows you to record your clients’ interventions. You can design and create as many client record templates as you need. The record templates are very easy and simple to create with no need for any technical people to be involved. Within an hour of training on how to create and manage the record templates you will be creating your own.

Reporting & Statistics
The Cortex client records system is integrated with real-time statistical data. The facility allows you to take care of all your statistical data related to the interventions with your clients. The statistical data is provided collectively for all your clients. This provides you with charts that provide a visual of your interventions.

Clients File Management
Cortex allows you to organise each client/service user’s scanned files and documents. Each user has his own folder with the facility to create as many sub-folders as you need and upload your client’s related documents such as medical certificates or other externally provided documents you wish to keep in your client’s folder.

Assigning Service Users to Professional Staff & Care Workers
Cortex allows you also to allocate your clients to specific departments within your organisation. This means that the staff, carers, professionals can only access records and information about the clients assigned to them or to their department. This protects confidentiality and caters for having sensitive information contained safely.

Care Staff Guidelines & Procedures Management
Cortex allows you to place your organisation’s client related policies, guidelines and procedures as downloadable documents. This facilitates keeping your staff members updated with the latest versions of such documentation.

Daily Interventions Scheduling
Part of Cortex Plus
Cortex Plus allows you to have daily interventions scheduled and organised. The facility will make it easier to plan, monitor and follow up on day to day interventions with your clients.

Payment Records
Cortex Plus allows you to use payment records for outsourced therapists and specialists. The facility comes in very handy if your organisation has a number of proffessionals who provide their service against a fee per session or on an invoice basis. Cortex allows you to set specific fees for specific records keeping related to interventions. This will generate an automated record for payment and compile a pay slip to be passed on to your accounts department to issue payments.

Cortex Mobile Application
Cortex comes with a mobile application. The Cortex App renders adding a client record even simpler and super easy. The Application stores data locally on your device therefore data retrieval happens in the blink of an eye. The Cortex App offers instant access by a tap. It allows users to add a client record quickly offering seamless experience via storing data that can be accessed offline too. The Cortex Mobile App is password protected.